Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 3 and 4

starting mileage on day 3

dowtown memhpis

moving trolley near a walking strip mall in
downtown Memphis

The Orpheum Theater

Not quite sure what this is, it's in mempis, and
i'm told it's an arena of some sort???

Wow, i have logged some serious miles today, the 16th. Sorry to all looking for a post yesterday, I was in Tyler, TX last night (the 15th) and there was no interenet :-( So i'm double posting today. The 15th brought me from Nashville, TN to Tyler, TX. Not much happening, took a few pics, which i willl post. Met up with an old friend, met her son, kicked it on the couch. I think I'm getting sick or am sick already, which for traveling across country, really sucks. I was in the mountains today and the altitude was driving my right eardrum bonkers. Couldn't pop it, and it was very unpleasent. Let me make a point: I hate truck drivers!! Why is it that they think that they can just cut in front of you at will, when they can clearly see you coming, with a head of steam, and cut you off, slow your progress, and just anger you. And it wasn't a once or twice kind of occurence, it has been this whole trip so far!
And wow, who knew Texas reall is as big as anyone may have ever thought. I spent the first 550 miles this morning going from Tyler, TX to west Texas, and i wasn't even out of the state. I then had to go an extra 187 miles just to get to the border. I was determined from the beginning of the day that i was going to make Tuscon, AZ and for those wondering, from Tyler, TX, it was 1050 miles. My back held up pretty well, thanks to a pillow, but my right leg didn't fair as well, but that's what pit stops are for. :-) Tomorrow, Sunday, it's off to LA!! Here are some pics from the last two days.

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