Sunday, January 17, 2010

The almost End! Welcome to Cali

Ending mileage from yesterday, and no, i didn't
drive 53.7 miles, add 1000 miles to that.

starting mileage for day 5

downtown Tuscon, or was it Phoenix. Ugh,
I forget. It's arizona for sure

Not an overly long day of driving, but a little brutal cause I have a sinus cold and my right ear just needs to pop and it won't, ugh. But i finally made it to California, met up with my friends JAmes and Brian at their hotel. We're going to grab a bite to eat, but unfortunately they are a little hung over from a long party filled weekend to go too nuts, so it should be a nice, welcomed relaxing evening. Hopefully I will get some pics tonight of Anaheim. Will get them up later if i do. Here are some from todays journey.

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