So foundations II is officially over. It was good, i learned a lot and still have a lot to learn and to retain. We did a lot of different things, from sauce making, to pasta making, to how to cook different kinds of proteins and side dishes. We had a final practical (where actually prepare and hand in an entire dish). I had something called chicken doria, with anna potatoes and glazed carrots with chasseur sauce. The chicken is a breast stuffed with ground chicken, shallots, basil, thyme and parsley and creme fraiche. After you stuff it you roll in tight in plastic wrap, tie off the ends, and poach it in water. The sauce is a brown base sauce finished with sauteed mushrooms and shallots, tomato concasse and chopped parsley. The potatoes are thinly sliced, and then layered in alternating cirlces, on top of each other, expanding outward as you build the layers and seasoning each layer. It's pan fried on both sides and finished off in the oven if need and looks like a potato flower of sorts. I did really well, the only thing i was worried about was that i seasoned the inside stuffing for the chicken but forgot to season the outside of the chicken before i rolled it and cooked it. It still tasted pretty good, the sauce i thought was great, the potato and carrots came out awesome. I come to find out that i got marked down on the sauce flavor, he said it was a little starchy, which shocked me, but lost 3 points on that, and that was it! 97%, highest out of the early morning and mid morning classes!!
Coming up next block is communication and interpersonal skills and another class called purchasing and receiving. I was fortunate enough that my math credits from 12 years ago from the university of colorado transferred over, so i don't have to take the culinary math class anymore, hope i still remember how to add and subtract! lol. anywhere, here's a pic of my grades to date!

Fantastic job on the grades. Reading this makes me hungry. Can't wait until you do some cooking for me.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the hard work and you will have your own place in no time.